This is an online magazine for people who wants to be known, taking the first step of being featured in this blog - dubbed as myPortfolio.
If interested to be featured, send an email with your detailed info and attach a picture. I will get in touch with you if you're qualified.
I am NOT a Talent Scout/Handler/Manager. Being featured here is not a guarantee that you'll get into the lime light of modelling. I CAN ONLY PROVIDE WEB EXPOSURE THRU THIS WEB MAGAZINE. It's up to the viewer of the blog if you'll get offers/modelling contract.
Joining mymodels is FREE. No fees will be collected just to be featured here, in the same manner that I don't offer talent fee. Only those who wants exposure and who'll qualify to my standards will be featured.
The owner of the blog is the original owner of the pictures posted with the consent of the actual person in the picture and will not be responsible nor held liable for the spread and misuse of the pictures. However, copying of pictures is discouraged.
This is not a dating site either. No contact information shall be given by the owner of the blog unless for the benefit and with the permission of the model involved.
Who we are